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Welcoming Failures

Hello friends, Since my last batch, I've been really inspired by a quote my partner told me from a podcast. "The way to accelerate your growth rate is to double your failure rate." - Tom Watson.  Making any ceramic piece is a two week process (at least) that includes throwing/building wet clay, allowing it to dry slowly, firing it once, sanding, adding glaze, firing it again, and sanding and polishing. Something can happen at any point in the process that might lead to a piece coming out cracked, exploded, or just really ugly. It's heartbreaking when this happens and my instinctive reaction is to become more risk averse. My mind felt a need to play it safe and continue doing what I know, but my...

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Hello friends, Last year, I found myself in a huge phase of transition while navigating through emotional and creative blocks. Thank God for Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, which is an incredible exercise for helping people reconnect with their inner child and creativity. In the book, she encourages weekly "artist dates," which are basically alone-time dates that you take yourself on. The idea is that we often forget to go out of our way to nurture our curiosity as adults, with the routine of daily life. On one of my artist dates, I wandered into a ceramics studio I lived by for years and signed up for a class. Ceramics became a medium that I've thrown myself into learning for the past year, full of lessons...

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