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Hello friends,

Last year, I found myself in a huge phase of transition while navigating through emotional and creative blocks. Thank God for Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, which is an incredible exercise for helping people reconnect with their inner child and creativity.

In the book, she encourages weekly "artist dates," which are basically alone-time dates that you take yourself on. The idea is that we often forget to go out of our way to nurture our curiosity as adults, with the routine of daily life.

On one of my artist dates, I wandered into a ceramics studio I lived by for years and signed up for a class. Ceramics became a medium that I've thrown myself into learning for the past year, full of lessons and metaphors to remind me to slow down, welcome surprises, be curious, play and let go of trying to controlling everything. (Because nothing ever seems to come out of the kiln as you expected.)

I've kept delaying the opening of my store because the website wasn't perfect, or I'm not as advanced in my skills as I'd like, or I have more things coming out of the kiln, or I need to do a better photoshoot...but in the spirit of embracing imperfection, I'm now on the wavelength of "fuck it!"

Thank you everyone for your support. Love you!!

xx Tammy

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